Pushing past excuses to become a successful Entrepreneur

“Do you have dreams that keep getting pushed to the side, and every time they are revisited you make another excuse as to why it’s not the right time to chase them? Successful entrepreneurs all have one thing in common – they pushed the excuses aside, not their dreams.

While there are countless excuses, these six in particular are both horrible and unfortunately common – and you should not let them stand in the way of your entrepreneurial dreams,” wrote Jonathan Long for Entrepreneur.com/The Globe and Mail.

Long continued,
1. “I’m too old.” You are never too old to accomplish anything that you set your mind to. The media tends to highlight young entrepreneurs and founders – a headline about an Ivy League college student creating a successful company is going to receive more media attention than a headline about an entrepreneur in his or her early 40s that launched a successful venture out of the garage.

Mark Zuckerberg co-founded Facebook in his Harvard dorm room and Evan Spiegel co-founded Snapchat while at Stanford – but there have also been plenty of successful companies founded by older entrepreneurs. Reid Hoffman was 35 when he co-founded LinkedIn, and Henry Ford was 45 when he created the Model T. Age is just a number – not an excuse.

2. “I’m scared.” There isn’t a single entrepreneur that wasn’t scared – anyone saying otherwise is flat-out lying to your face. You have to take that fear and use it as motivation rather than let it stop you. When it comes down to it there is only one thing you should be scared of – not reaching your dreams.

Know what’s scary? The thought of someone else coming to market with your idea in the future and you kicking yourself daily for not pursuing your dreams. Now that’s scary, right?”

Read the full article here.

Raymond Matt, CFP, CLU, TEP, CHS

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