CRA uses simple tactic to get Canadians to pay their taxes

Photographer: Michal Jarmoluk

Photographer: Michal Jarmoluk

“When Kim Brooks opened her notice of assessment from the Canada Revenue Agency, she was surprised to see a seemingly random factoid printed in bold letters at the top of the page.

“Only one out of 10 individuals who owe tax do not pay on time,” said the document,” wrote Blair Sanderson for CBC News on April 24, 2017.

Sanderson continued, “Brooks took keen interest because she’s a professor of tax law at Dalhousie University in Halifax. She said that simple message from the CRA is a classic example of a psychological manipulation known as “nudging.”

“They want you to feel like in order to be a good citizen, you should do what your neighbours are doing and pay your taxes on time. It’s a different kind of approach to getting greater compliance,” said Brooks.”

Read the full article here.

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