Alcohol conditions send more to hospitals then heart attacks

Photographer: Adam Wilson

Photographer: Adam Wilson

“There were more hospital admissions in Canada last year for alcohol-related conditions than for heart attacks,” wrote Sherry Noik for CBC News on June 22, 2017.

Noik continued, “Alcohol poisoning, alcohol withdrawal, liver disease, chronic alcohol abuse and other conditions that are “100 per cent caused by the harmful consumption of alcohol” accounted for about 77,000 admissions, according to a report released Thursday by the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI).

That’s 212 each day, on average, not including those who were treated in emergency departments and released.

The 2015–2016 year was the first time CIHI has looked at this statistic, believing that its impact on the health system can provide insight generally into the harms caused by alcohol.”

Read the full article here. 

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