“The response to the Bank of England’s selection of Bank of Canada chief Mark Carney to be its next chief is being met with near universal praise. Given how explosive subjects of monetary policy are (at least in popular discussion) the lack of controversy is surprising,” Joe Weisenthal wrote for the Financial Post today. Weisenthal’s article continues, “A lot of attention has been paid to the fact that Carney represents a force for strong bank regulation (Canada didn’t have a banking meltdown), something the UK feels it needs given the various busts and scandals that have affected its banks. Just last month, Sid Verma of Euromoney did an extremely in-depth Mark Carney profile, examining his role as ‘Finance’s New Statesman.’ In all the discussion about Carney as a bank regulator, there really hasn’t been much talk of him as a practitioner of the interest rate setting side of central banking. It turns out he’s really solid there too.” Read the full article here. | Raymond Matt, CFP, CLU, TEP, CHS
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