Jim Carrey rants VS anti-vaccination laws

“After a few years in Los Angeles, I like to think I learned some wisdom the hard way: Invest in a good sunscreen, avoid the 405 freeway at all costs, and try not to use actors as a source of scientific knowledge. If you start using actors as health advisers, next thing you know you’ll be asking Ozzy Osbourne to be your structural engineer,” wrote Elizabeth Renzetti for The Globe and Mail on Friday July 3, 2015.

Renzetti continued, “I could say that Mr. Carrey is not an expert on vaccines but knows a lot about greed trumping reason, having pocketed $20-million to star in The Cable Guy. That, however, would be an ad hominem attack, much like the one he launched on California’s governor, Jerry Brown, who signed a law mandating that all children in the state must be vaccinated before they could enter school. Mr. Carrey wrote, (“California Gov says yes to poisoning more children with mercury and aluminum in mandatory vaccines. This corporate fascist must be stopped.”)

That tweet is more crammed with nuttiness than a car stuffed with clowns. “Poisoning” is what the majority of us call “saving from great harm.” As for mercury, Mr. Carrey appears to share the (debunked) belief that the vaccine preservative thimerosal causes neurological disorders, including autism; even if that were true, which it’s not, pediatric vaccines in Canada and the United States don’t contain thimerosal, apart from optional flu shots. As for the use of “fascist” regarding a bill passed by a two-party legislature, well, there’s a history book or two that could fall on Mr. Carrey’s head and open to a convenient page.”

Read the full article here.

Raymond Matt, CFP, CLU, TEP, CHS

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