2015 Campaign – First election debate

“Canada’s federal party leaders locked horns over how to resurrect the country’s faltering economy, the discredited Senate and national unity on Thursday, the first election debate of the 2015 campaign.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau and NDP chief Tom Mulcair tried to paint Stephen Harper as an out-of-touch leader who’s frittered away government revenue on tax breaks and remains insulated from the weakening economy,” wrote Steven Chase for The Globe and Mail on Thursday August 6, 2015.

Chase continued, “The 2015 campaign is the first serious three-way race in recent memory with the Conservatives, New Democrats and Liberals nearly tied among decided voters, according to polls.

These verbal sparring contents that took place Thursday will help determine a crucial question still unanswered at this early stage of the campaign: will the NDP or the Liberals emerge as the main challenger to Mr. Harper?

The Conservative election strategy requires the New Democratic vote to be sufficiently strong to steal support from the Liberals, and Mr. Harper’s conduct in the debate reflected that.

Where he could, the Tory chief supported Mr. Mulcair.”


Read the full article here.

Raymond Matt, CFP, CLU, TEP, CHS



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