Will Trudeau invest in Canada’s important public needs?

“Canada’s new Liberal government is destined to be very different from the Conservative one it defeated in last week’s election. Its most distinguishing economic promise is to run budget deficits of roughly $10-billion for each of the next three years, much of which is earmarked for new infrastructure. But there is a related and bigger challenge for Canada, and I hope prime-minister-designate Justin Trudeau will be taking it seriously in the years ahead.

Mr. Trudeau’s commitment to increase infrastructure spending is economically sensible for two reasons. First, it is clear to most people, certainly those living in our large cities, that Canada has serious infrastructure needs; much of it is already crumbling,” wrote Christopher Ragan for The Globe and Mail last Thursday October 29, 2015.

Ragan continued, “Turning things around is anything but simple. How do we convince Canadians of the enormous value of our shared public goods, and that having such things is an important part of how we help the least fortunate among us? How do we convince people that our sports facilities and libraries and museums and parks are important for building a country in which we develop similar values and aspirations? And how do we convince Canadians that having these valuable things is worth paying a little bit more in taxes – and that our duly elected governments can be trusted to use that money wisely?

This is an enormous challenge for any political leader, but I hope Mr. Trudeau rises to the occasion. And I hope he brings along the provincial premiers and civic mayors to join him in the project, for they have an equally important role to play.

Mr. Trudeau ran a remarkable election campaign, in which he was resolutely positive in tone and optimistic about Canada’s future. He clearly believes that government, when run well, can play a crucial and constructive role in building a better country.

Perhaps he is just the prime minister we require to make a real difference to Canada’s important public needs.”

Read the full article here.

Raymond Matt, CFP, CLU, TEP, CHS



Photo credit: Alex Guibord / Foter.com / CC BY-ND

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